This Bible study will provide an introduction and overview of the churches of Revelation.


What is the church? The word “church” is a translation from the Greek word “ekkiesia” which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” The church is the body of Christ, of which He is the head. The body of Christ is made up of all believers in Jesus Christ from the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 until Christ’s return. All those who are in full agreementwith what Peter taught in Acts chapter 2, those who have believed on Jesus Christ, been baptized in His name, and baptized by His Spirit, the Holy Ghost.


Paul wrote to “the church of God which is at Corinth” (1 Corinthians 1:2), to “the churches [plural] of Galatia” (Galatians 1:2), and to “the church of the Thessalonians” (1 Thessalonian. 1:1). Similarly, Christ, through the apostle John, addressed “the seven churches which are in Asia” (Revelation 1:11), all which are a part of the one universal church, or Body of Christ.


The churches spoken of in Revelation 2 and 3 have multiple meanings and applications — to the actual congregations of the first century A.D., to the church down through time, and to the end time church.


The overall message is that Christ reveals the overall strengths and weaknesses of the church in John’s day, down through the ages, and including our time in the 21st century. And He reveals what appears to be a sweeping picture of the future of His church.  At that moment in time, when John wrote this, Jesus’ followers were a discouraged and persecuted group. They waited for Jesus to return in power and glory to establish His kingdom here on earth. And that is the same message for us today. We, too, have our trials, problems, and difficulties living in this world and we, too, long for God’s kingdom. 


The message in Revelation was also meant to put the churches back on the right path spiritually, in their day and in ours. That is exactly what Christ did for the churches through these verses, through this book of Revelation. He set them back on the right path. We are reminded what God expects from His servants, me and you, as well. Each congregation exhibits its own personality, as we will see in the message to the churches.  But within these congregations are common virtues and common problems that all Christians face, in all generations, no matter which century. We see things that we should either follow or we should avoid. And these messages make it clear that some congregations and individual members of the church were developing serious spiritual deficiencies. Some even allowing the influence of satan to lead them away from their calling. 


Along with warnings to the churches, Jesus also compliments the members of the church for their strengths. These promises should be very encouraging to us as they would to those originally receiving the message in the first century. And as we go through this Bible study series, think about how the traits of these seven churches may apply today. And how they may even apply directly to you as you work hard to become more like Jesus Christ, as you work hard through the daily struggles of life.


This Bible Study is dedicated to my God -- The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, The Which Is and Which Was and Which Is to Come, The Almighty -- Jesus Christ!

To my Pastor, Johnny Barnhill. One week into this study the Lord had laid on my heart, my pastor begin a series on "The Churches in Revelation"! Just confirmation! Did I take notes? Absolutely!


Also, to my church, Pinegrove Apostolic Church in Kelly Louisiana, to all the members I love you dearly. And to two of my dearest friends in the Lord - Sister Glenda Bailes and Sister Sherri Skinner. These people have been faithful and true! With all my love and heartfelt gratitude, thank you!


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